Justin Timberlake Seeks Legal Counsel Amid Concerns Over Britney Spears Biopic
Justin Timberlake is reportedly seeking legal advice as concerns grow over his portrayal in an upcoming biopic about Britney Spears, following revelations in her recent memoir.
Sources close to the situation told Heat Magazine that Timberlake is anxious about how their past relationship will be depicted in the film adaptation of Spears’ tell-all book. The insider revealed, “Justin is already worried about how harshly Britney might portray him in the movie.”
The prospect of the biopic is said to be causing tension between Timberlake and his wife, Jessica Biel, who are both concerned about the impact it could have on their public image and family. “Justin and Jessica have had serious discussions about the potential fallout from the movie,” the source noted. “The release of the book was difficult enough for them, but the idea of Justin being cast in a negative light on the big screen is even more troubling.”
The insider added that Timberlake is considering taking legal action, expressing fears about the long-term effects of the film. “He’s worried that people will take everything they see in the movie at face value, and he’s particularly concerned about how this could affect his children in the future.”
As of now, Timberlake has not made any public statements regarding the biopic or its potential impact on his reputation.